who | what | how

In production

Sarı Zarflar
(Yellow Letters)

In post-production

A co-production of if... Productions, Tyger Films & Liman Film

Directed by İlker Çatak
Written by İlker Çatak, Ayda M. Çatak, Enis Köstepen

(working title)

In development

A production of 23/5 Filmproduktion

Written by Johannes Duncker & Hans-Christian Schmid

Feature films

Das Lehrerzimmer
(The Teachers' Lounge)

2023, 98min

World premiere at the 73rd Berlinale
Winner of five German Film Awards: Best directing, best screenplay, best editing, best female lead and the Golden Lola for best film
Released in cinemas worldwide
Oscar Nomination - Best International Feature

(Stambul Garden)

2021, 89min

Bayerischer Filmpreis: Best Young Actor

Theatrically released in Germany & Turkey
Available on DVD and VOD

Es gilt das gesprochene Wort
(I was, I am, I will be)

2019, 120min

German Film Awards: Lola in bronze for Best Film, Nominated for Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Director
Filmfest München - German Cinema New Talent Award for Best Screenplay & Best Actor

Theatrically released in Germany
Available on DVD and VOD

Es war einmal Indianerland
(Once Upon a Time… Indianerland)

2017, 97min

25th Filmfest Hamburg
37th Istanbul Film Fesival
German Film Awards: Nomination for Best Editing
Filmplus Editing Award: Nomination

Theatrically released in Germany
Available on DVD and VOD

Short films

Soft Rains

2021, DCP, 24min

Denver Digerati Digital Animation Festival - 2. Jury Award
Kaboom Animation Festival: Post VR - Reflecting the Virtual


2014, DCP, 25min

Winner of the 42nd annual Student Academy Award in Gold
36. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis - Best Short
44. Sehsüchte_Int. Studentenfilmfestival - Producer's Award
21th Palm Springs International ShortFest

Shown on more than 30 festivals!

Short Trip

2014, DCP, 6min

16. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival
27. Filmfest Dresden
ISFF Detmold 2015
Short Screens Brussels

Wo wir sind
(Where We Are)

2014, DCP, 13min

35. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis - Best Short
2014 Student Academy Award Finalist
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Kurzfilmpreis 2014
Next Generation Short Tiger 2014
22th CAMERIMAGE Film Festival

Shown on more than 40 festivals!

Alte Schule

2013, 35mm, 6min

35. Filmfestival Max Ophüls Preis
30. Internationales KurzFilmFestival Hamburg
Kurzfilmkatalog 2014 AG Kurzfilm

Shown on more than 50 festivals!

Show more/less

(A Space in Time)

2013, DCP, 19min

15. Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival
International Short Film Festival Minsk
La Pedrera Short Film Festival #10

Round & Round

2013, HD, 3min

19. Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche

Onkel Dayi und die deutschen Strukturen...
(Uncle Dayi and the German structures...)

2012, HD, 14min

me & her

2011, HD, 7min

Intl. Short Film Festival Cologne Unlimited - International Competition

Briefe aus Rom
(Letters from Rome)

2011, HD, 15min

Namibya şehir iken...
(Als Namibia eine Stadt war.../When Namibia was a city...)

2010, HD, 24min

German film board: highly recommended (Prädikat: besonders wertvoll)
44. Internationale Hofer Filmtage
Rio de Janeiro Intl. Short Film Festival - International Competition
Intl. Short Film Festival Cologne Unlimited - National Competition, 2. Jury Prize
7. Akbank Short Film Festival Istanbul - Honorary Mention by the Jury
9th Zagreb Film Festival - Golden Pram for the best short film
Video available online


2008, HDV, 27min

25. Kurzfilmfestival Hamburg
55. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Open Screening
Video available online

Iki Arada Bir Denizde
(Zwischen den Ufern/Between Banks)

2008, DV, 20min

2. Jury Prize, Europäisches Kurzfilmfestival Köln Unlimited
Unabhängiges Medienfestival Tübingen
30. Biberacher Filmfestspiele
Video available online

Mehrzahl Heimat
(Plural Homeland)

2007, DV, 37min

shown on German television


2007, DV, 6 min

Nim Sofyan (2/4)

2006, DV, 5 min

Fast Fiktion
(Almost Fiction)

2005/2006, 16mm, 14 min

shown on German national television


2005, DV, 5 min

Eskimo Frosch
(eskimo frog)

2005, DV, 15 min

Winner of the Golden Alex Berlin 2005
Shown on German national television


Tatort: Borowski und der gute Mensch

2021, 89min